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We Will Miss You or We Are Going to Miss You?

The grammar you choose to carry your thoughts and feelings in a conversational context can significantly affect the following interpretation. Together we will review verbiage options that convey an appropriate attitude towards an anticipated absence.

“We will miss you” is the appropriate usage of the phrase. “We will miss you” clearly says the group will undoubtedly miss a person. You may use it in more circumstances than “We are going to miss you” because of its definitiveness. You should choose “will” rather than “are going to” to communicate the depth of your emotion and certainty in the related outcome.

What may seem like a gray area of speech will become clearer shortly. This article dives into the meaning, uses, potential contexts, alternatives, and nuances of telling someone you will miss them. 

What Does “We Will Miss You” Mean?

“We will miss you” reveals a currently unrealized truth but an imminent reality. It dictates that many will unquestionably feel the listener’s absence and seeks to express affection or appreciation.

Before the status of a dynamic change, either due to a shift in location or duty in some regard, you can acknowledge the impending adjustment with your own thoughtful rendition of “We will miss you.”

We communicate this statement before a significant change occurs, predicting the impact our conversation partner’s absence will have on us. Maybe a change in the distant future, such as a far-off death or an immediate job relocation.

The absence may take place for any amount of time, long or short. For example, you might express that you will miss your partner when they take a work trip for a single night or long for a friend who will soon permanently move to another state.

“We will miss you” implies that some plurality will experience the effects of an absence, so you should be mindful of who you actively represent along with yourself in your message.

This message serves as a heart-warming portrayal of a relationship between listener and speaker, and perhaps other involved parties as well. It recognizes some benefits the group has shared and the challenges one member’s absence might create.

How Do You Use “We Will Miss You”?

We label “We will miss you” an opinion statement. It is a complete sentence made up of the subject “we,” the verb “will miss,” and the direct object “you.” You may further modify this statement with an adverb or prepositional phrase. 

This statement offers a prediction concerning the upcoming future. You’ll choose this message to qualify the nature of a current relationship and how the speaker will preserve their affection and appreciation for the listener’s role.

Not to be confused with an indisputable fact, “We will miss you” suggests a subjective belief (source). Despite the sincerity with which you speak this expression, we cannot accurately predict the future; therefore, this statement offers earnest affection rather than truth.

You may also opt to enhance this expression with an adverb, such as “We will miss you desperately” or “We will profoundly miss you.” These customizations will create depth and personalize your declaration and foster further affability.

A prepositional phrase can additionally individualize your statement with a precision that will indicate sincerity and thoughtfulness as you describe your unique situation:

  • We will miss you while you are gone!
  • We will miss you here at home.
  • We will miss you during the holidays.

Both statements, “We will miss you” and “We are going to miss you,” employ verb tenses that frequent informal contexts. American English speakers use “will” and “are going” interchangeably but typically opt for “will” for increased specificity and formality.

When Can You Use “We Will Miss You”?

“We will miss you” suits affairs where one party will soon take on a new location or role. This sentence flatters the listener and indicates a positive or beneficial relationship in some capacity.

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You’ll find this helpful expression in various circumstances, primarily when a member of a tight-knit or long-standing group is about to leave for an extended time or forever. It generates warm but perhaps nostalgic feelings on both ends as the end of an era sets in.

You can use “We will miss you” in either personal or professional endeavors. Either way, it generally takes a friendly but adequately dignified approach toward communicating some level of affection. 

A variety of situations can accommodate this expression:

  • The business won’t be the same without you! We will miss you dearly.
  • I’m grateful you were offered this opportunity, but we sure will miss you.
  • We will miss you but are excited to see where life takes you.
  • You’ve played a great part in all of this. We will miss you.
  • I wish you didn’t have to go…the kids and I will miss you.

As you can gauge from many of these examples, this message and its situation involve feelings of goodwill. The listener provided some service (whether physical or emotional) to the speaker, and the speaker chose to convey their gratitude.

You will find few circumstances in which you should not use “We will miss you.” Yet, more often than not, this statement presents a safe, charming choice of words.

In What Context Can You Use “We Will Miss You”?

In both personal and professional endeavors, “We will miss you” offers a positive and polite way to acknowledge the impact of a person’s presence before the situation changes.

In a work environment, this versatile expression can operate from coworker to coworker, employee to boss, or boss to employee. You may graciously recognize the positive impact someone created in your life or your endeavors with this statement.

You might thank a boss and salute their leadership before they move to a different position within the company or transfer to a different one with “We will miss you,” speaking on behalf of the others who have also benefited from their work.

In such a work environment, this statement implies that this person offered valuable quality as hard work, cheerful collaboration, or some other skill that contributed to the greater effort. This statement serves as a testament to their talent and/or disposition.

In private experiences, “We will miss you” may convey a deeper connection and impact both parties have felt. To miss someone in your personal life means you have chosen for your paths to cross continually, and you do not prefer their absence.

However, “We will miss you” does not have to apply only to profound relations. It can simply act as a farewell address to mark some sort of transition, but it is up to the listener to understand the expression as gracious or insincere.

In general, most scenarios would find it perfectly appropriate to share “We will miss you” with someone who played a big part in your life.

Using “We Will Miss You” in a Full Sentence

While “We will miss you” can grammatically operate independently, you may prefer to configure the statement to better suit the conversation. For example, pair this clause with a second one or affix modifiers to create a more specific sentence.

Within a larger sentence, “We will miss you” functions as an independent clause, which means it can stand at the beginning of the sentence or at the end. Moreover, you can pair it with another independent clause or with a dependent clause (source).

The following examples demonstrate “We will miss you” in a sentence context:

  • We will miss you!
  • We will miss you when we’re short on help in the heat of summer.
  • You will miss us, and we will miss you.
  • I know it’s not ideal for you, but we will certainly miss you.
  • We will miss you and your wonderful smile every morning.
  • We will miss your ridiculous jokes and random behavior.
  • We will miss you bunches.

You’ll find a nearly endless amount of options when choosing to qualify the nature of your conversation partner’s impending absence. 

When Not to Use “We Will Miss You”?

Do not make sarcastic or obviously false claims that someone will be missed, as it may insult the listener. You also may forgo this statement choice when dealing with sensitive circumstances.

If you fake a message and the audience interprets it as such, the saying “less is more” applies. Choose to say nothing at all instead of exhibiting false appreciation. You will prompt an awkward exchange if your words are not from a place of genuine care.

You may also avoid this phrase if your role is clearly subordinate or you are unfamiliar with the person leaving. Saying “We will miss you” in these situations could come across as misleading by implying a friendship between the two of you. 

We do not typically employ this statement with acquaintances or strangers. “We will miss you” is a reasonably intimate term that marks a closer relationship. However, if operating with a friendly or family-oriented approach, businesses may integrate this message.

Moreover, in a fragile setting, when appropriate, you may convey your fondness for the listener through a gesture, such as a card or a hug. Some people may prefer not to open themselves up to an in-depth conversation about that uncomfortable topic.

You should not put your conversation partner on the spot with this message if, for instance, they do not desire the reason for the change. You must read the situation to know whether or not “We will miss you” is appropriate in the moment.

What Can You Use Instead of “We Will Miss You”?

If “We will miss you” does not feel quite right in your case, you may want to consider something more or less expressive, affectionate, or professional. Observe these alternatives:

  • You will be missed!
  • I appreciate all you’ve done for me.
  • Take care!
  • This has been a great experience.
  • I don’t know what we will do without you!
  • I don’t want you to leave.

Following up any variation of “We will miss you” with a prepositional phrase or inserting an adverb might help mold your statement to your particular circumstances. 

Your specific choice will ultimately hang on the essence of what you seek to depict in your tribute, from a proclamation of friendship, love, community, collaboration, or simple well wishes.

To further personalize your expression of endearment, you might include examples and specific attributes that you value in your conversation partner. Any such compliments would offer a robust alternative to “We will miss you.”

Regular Verbs

Most regular verbs follow the same conjugation rules in English, such as the word “miss” in our topic sentence.

Image by Nao Triponez via Pexels

While irregular verbs require individual memorization, regular verbs follow the same pattern each time (source). For example, in the sentence “We will miss you,” which utilizes the simple future tense, we use the most basic root form of the verb “miss.”

This root form takes shape from the simple present tense form. We use this root to form infinitives:

  • play → to play
  • eat → to eat
  • run → to run

In the simple future tense, which our expression “We will miss you” uses, each regular verb that follows the word “will” adopts the root form of the verb (source).

  • She will play outside.
  • I will eat breakfast.
  • We will run together.

Regular verbs in the present tense that we pair with a singular noun will end in “s” or “es,” while those with a plural noun take the root form of the verb.

  • He scores the winning point.
  • They score the winning point.

Regular verbs in the past tense do not change with the plurality of the noun: they simply adopt the ending “d” or “ed.”

  • He scored the winning point.
  • They scored the winning point.

This article was written for

For more on regular verb tenses, review these articles: What Happen or What Happened: Understanding Grammar and Usage and I Wonder or I Am Wondering: What’s the Difference?

Final Thoughts

In most situations, you will find “We will miss you” more straightforward and a better choice than “We are going to miss you.” The definitive projection that the speaker and others will miss the listener versus the more hesitant and passive “are going to” creates a more personal compliment.

To warmly address a forthcoming transition for a coworker, friend, or family member, opt for the gracious admission of “We will miss you.” This statement presents the perfect chance to leave the status quo behind with pleasant feelings from both sides.