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Is It Correct to Say “You Made My Day”?

It’s cold outside, and the sky is still dark. You didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. But when you arrive at work, your coworker has prepared a hot cup of tea for you. Is it correct to tell your coworker, “You made my day”?

It is correct to say, “You made my day,” when someone made you happy or glad. This expression means, “What you just said or did makes me happy.” You can use “You made my day” in informal and semiformal contexts with close friends, colleagues, or your boss to complement their words or actions.

Here, we’ll explore the definition and usage of “You made my day,” and we’ll look at some of the different contexts in which we can use it. We’ll also take a peek at the grammar and structure of this major sentence as we go along. 

“You Made My Day or “You Have Made My Day”?

The most popular way to use this expression is to say, “You made my day.” Grammatically speaking, “You have made my day,” with the present perfect form of the verb, is also correct. However, the simple past form is much more common in contemporary spoken English. 

You can technically use “You have made my day” with the present perfect to reference something that just happened. Because the word or action that made you glad happened in the immediate past, you can use the present perfect tense to reference your reaction to whatever someone said or did. 

However, though “You have made my day” is grammatically correct, it is not a popular way to express the same idea. Instead, modern English speakers prefer “You made my day.” 

In some cases, native English speakers will say, “You just made my day.” In this instance, the grammar isn’t technically correct. We generally use “just” with the present perfect tense to reference an action that happened in the immediate past.

In “You just made my day,” the speaker references an event in the immediate past. However, they combine “just” with the simple past tense. While this isn’t grammatically correct, it is a popular way for native English speakers to express immediate gratefulness. 

For more information about using irregular verbs with the simple past and present perfect, check out our article Past Tense of Run: Understanding Regular and Irregular Verb Tenses.

What Does “You Made My Day” Mean?

When you tell someone, “You made my day,” you’re saying that whatever they just said or did makes you smile. Their words or actions made you happy, and you want to let them know that.

From the subject of this complete sentence (“you”), you can see that it is directed to a specific person: the person you’re talking to. The verb in this expression is “to make,” but in this instance, it doesn’t take the same standard meaning as the common verb. Instead, we use the verb in an idiomatic way.

An idiom is a word or phrase that has one literal meaning and one other meaning based on its cultural or linguistic context (source). 

The idiom here is “to make someone’s day.” This doesn’t mean you’re creating a new day! No one can make a new day! Instead, “to make someone’s day” means to cause their day to be nice or better (source). 

How Do You Use “You Made My Day”?

You can use “You made my day” in a conversation or correspondence when you want to acknowledge the words or actions of the other person. Specifically, you want to show the other person that their words or actions brought a smile to your face. For example, we often say “Thank you” along with “You made my day.”

“You made my day” is a major sentence, which means you can say or write the expression all by itself, and it is grammatically correct. You don’t need to add any subject, verb, or object to this expression because it is already a complete sentence on its own.

Usually, we say “You made my day” as an interjection or pause point in a conversation. However, you can also use this expression to reply to start a conversation. In this case, the discussion or correspondence will probably begin with a thankful message that includes, “You made my day.” 

It’s important to remember that “You made my day” is a way to show thankfulness and gratitude: you are telling the other person that you appreciate their words or actions and that you are thankful for how they make you smile! 

When Can You Use “You Made My Day”?

You can use “You made my day” when a friend, family member, or colleague has made you glad. You can use this expression in formal or informal settings, although we usually use it during friendly chitchat. 

Image by Andre Furtado via Pexels

You can use this expression with friends, family members, teachers, colleagues, and even your boss. It is acceptable to say, “You made my day” to everyone in your life. While it isn’t highly formal, it is polite to say when someone makes you happy with their words or actions.

When Not to Use “You Made My Day”

When you say, “You made my day,” you’re probably smiling and happy. You shouldn’t use this expression when you’re upset or sad. You also shouldn’t use “You made my day” if you aren’t thankful or pleased about how someone has just spoken or acted toward you.

It is best to use “You made my day” sincerely. If you say it sarcastically or ironically, the person you’re speaking with may get confused.

If you use it sarcastically, make sure your facial expression and tone of voice make it extremely clear that you are not glad about what the other person has just said or done.

Using “You Made My Day” in a Full Sentence

The expression “You made my day” is already a full sentence. It has a subject, “you,” and a verb, “made.” It also has an object of the verb: “my day.” However, you may add a dependent clause or other phrases to clarify what made your day further.

You can add a dependent clause at the beginning or end of “You made my day”:

  • You made my day, which is surprising!
  • Because you took the time to do this, you made my day.

You can add another closely related independent clause as well:

  • This is amazing; you made my day!
  • You didn’t have to do this, yet you made my day!
  • Thank you so much; you made my day!

You can also add phrases that further describe what made you happy:

  • You made my day by cooking dinner and cleaning the kitchen!
  • For just being you, you made my day!

Because “You made my day” contains an idiomatic phrase, you cannot separate the verb and the object. Therefore, “You made my day” only keeps its meaning if the past tense verb “made” and the object “my day” stick together. 

What Can You Use Instead of “You Made My Day”?

In English, there are several ways to express that someone has made your day better or brighter with their actions or words. Some of the most popular alternatives to “You made my day” include “You’ve cheered me up,” “What you said/did really made me smile,” and “You brought a smile to my face.”

If you want to show that their kind words or thoughtful actions have significantly impacted you, you can exaggerate the expression by saying, “You’ve made my whole week!” Then the other person will understand that they contributed to the best part of your week. 

You can go even further and say, “You made my life!” if you want to increase the intensity of the expression.

Remember, it’s common to use “Thank you” when expressing how someone has made your day. So, include a phrase that shows gratitude alongside any of these alternatives. 

Major Sentences

Major sentences are expressions that include a subject and verb; in most cases, they include an object of the verb.

So, when you use a major sentence expression, you don’t need to add anything for it to be grammatically correct or complete. Because a major sentence already includes the subject and predicate, it can stand alone.

To learn more about other popular major sentences in English, check out our articles Is It Correct to Say “I Appreciate You”? and Is It Correct to Say “It’s My Pleasure”?

The opposite of a major sentence is a minor sentence. Minor sentences are expressions that don’t include both a subject and a verb (source). Some popular examples of minor sentences are:

  • Happy birthday!
  • Merry Christmas!
  • No pain, no gain.

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You can see that these minor sentences don’t have a subject and a verb, but we can still use them as complete thoughts when we speak and write. 

Final Thoughts

“You made my day” is a major sentence that tells another person that their actions or words have made you happy. Even though it references events in the immediate past, we usually use the simple past tense instead of the present perfect tense with this expression. 

Idiomatically, “to make someone’s day” isn’t about creating a day. Instead, it means that the speaker is happy because of something the other person has just said or done. So, what can you do now to make someone’s day?