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Is It Correct to Say “So True”?

When conversing with people, we let them know when we agree or disagree with them. Sometimes we might feel very strongly about something someone else says. We use many different phrases to express our agreement or disagreement. 

It is correct to say “so true” in informal settings and relationships when you strongly agree with an opinion or statement. You may use it when talking to your friends or family or commenting online with people you know. You cannot use it in professional conversation or writing because it is informal.

This article will tell you what “so true” means, how to use it, when you can use it, and what else you can say to express the same sentiment.

What Does “So True” Mean?

We use “so true” when we want to express agreement with something someone has said. We use this phrase especially when we want to emphasize the importance of someone else’s statement. 

The word “so” can be an adverb, adjective, conjunction, or pronoun, depending on the context you use it in. When used as an adverb, the definition of “so” means “to a great extent or a lot.” It is an informal way of expressing a large amount (source). For example: 

  • There was so much flour on the floor after she baked cookies in the kitchen. 

In this example, “so” tells us there was a lot of flour on the floor and that the person baking is extremely messy. In “so true,” “so” is an adverb modifying “true.”

“True” is an adjective that means information is factual and not made up (source). We also use the word “true” to express that something conforms to reality (source). For example: 

  • It is true that grapes are poisonous to dogs.  

It is a fact that dogs cannot eat grapes because they will get very sick and possibly die, meaning the fact is true. When we say this, we also suggest that this fact is important for dogs and their owners (source).

When you use “so” and “true” together, you are telling people that what they have said is important and factual. For example:

  • Sonia: “That English grammar test was really hard.”
  • Greg: “So true!

Greg agrees with Sonia, but he is also expressing that what she said is not an exaggeration because the test was, in fact, really hard.

How Do You Use “So True”?

When you agree strongly with something someone has said or written, you express your agreement with the phrase “so true.” You also use the phrase to emphasize the accuracy of something you are saying. 

In this phrase, we use “so” as an adverb, which means it gives more information about a verb (an action word). For example: 

  • He ran so fast to make it to school on time since he had slept through his alarm.

In this sentence, “so” is next to the adverb “fast,” meaning both words are connected to the verb ran. This makes “so” an adverb that emphasizes how fast the subject ran. The exact speed is not important, but knowing that he was running very fast is essential. “Very” or “extremely” are synonymous with this use of “so.”

As mentioned, “true” is an adjective. Adjectives provide more information about a noun (which might also be the sentence’s subject). Take a look at this sentence to see how “true” functions as an adjective:

  • I believe that fact is true.

In this sentence, it is the fact that is true. Fact is a noun because it is a thing (remember, nouns are persons, places, or things); therefore, the word “true” is an adjective. 

When you use “so true” alone, the subject and verb are implied rather than said, making it an informal minor sentence. “So true” is short for “That is so true.” The subject is “that,” and “is” functions as the verb.

“True” is connected to the subject, making it the adjective, and “so” is connected to the verb, making it the adverb of the sentence. 

You use this phrase when you want to express strong agreement about a fact, piece of information, opinion, or experience someone has shared. For example:

  • Sharon: Someone almost hit my car while cutting me off. People are so impatient!
  • Denny: So true!

Sharon shared her opinion about how people lack patience in the world. Denny also believes people do not have much patience and agrees strongly with Sharon using the informal statement. The implied “that” refers to Sharon’s opinion that people do not have patience.

When Can You Use “So True”?

You can use “so true” in casual situations with people you know. Specifically, you use the phrase when you want to express strong agreement or affirm an idea, opinion, or statement someone you know has made.

Image by Andres Ayrton via Pexels

We share information, ideas, opinions, and experiences when talking to our friends. They often agree with us because we find friends who think as we do. You might say an artist’s new album is not as good as their old ones. Your friend, who strongly agrees with you, might respond with “So true” to let you know they think the same thing. 

Similarly, while eating dinner with your family, your mom may have made your favorite meal of noodles. Your brother might say that your mom makes the best noodles in the world. You could respond with “So true” to show your strong agreement and tell your mom how much you love the food.

Even though it is an informal phrase, it is important to use it thoughtfully and purposefully. We always use “so true” to show strong agreement, so if you do not strongly agree, you should not say it. It is also essential to follow up the phrase with more conversation or comments to show people you really care about what they are saying. 

The phrase is informal because we leave out the subject and verb. In formal or professional settings, “so true” feels lazy and disrespectful. Sometimes, people use “so true” to make fun of others who use it to respond without thinking.

For more information on using informal phrases as mocking responses, check out our article Is it Correct to Say “Between You and I”?

In What Context Can You Use “So True”?

You can use “so true” when talking to your friends or family, making comments online, or texting people you know very well. 

It is important to let others know you value their ideas, opinions, knowledge, or experiences. When speaking with people we know well, it is acceptable to use informal language. Your friends are the people you are more likely to use “so true” with.

For instance, you might use it while talking in person:

Jessica: My computer died last week, and I had to get a new one. It seems like I have to get a new one every year! 

Ahmed: So true. I had to get a new one last month, and my old computer was only a few months old. 

You might also use “so true” with your family, specifically siblings with whom you might have a more familiar relationship. For example: 

Eva: I can’t believe Dad grounded us! He didn’t even see what had happened! He just assumed we weren’t watching when the dog got out. It isn’t fair! 

Rafi: So true. Dad is being so unfair. 

Similarly, you might see a comment your friend made online. If you want to quickly let them know you agree with their comment, you might use “so true.” 

It is appropriate to use this minor sentence in many scenarios, but it is important to remember that it is informal, and you should only use it with people you know well.

Using “So True” in a Full Sentence

When using “so true” as a comment, we use it as a minor sentence on its own with an implied subject (that) and verb (is). However, you must state the subject and verb when using “so true” as a phrase within a larger sentence to emphasize a point you are making.

When you use “So true” as a comment, you emphasize strong agreement with someone you know well. The following examples illustrate how to use “so true” as a minor sentence: 

John: I am exhausted. Mr. Peterson gives us so much homework every night that I can’t get to bed until 2:00 AM. 

Jason: So true! I didn’t go to sleep until 3:00 AM last night! 

Jill: There was so much garbage floating in the water during my afternoon canoe trip. We need to take better care of nature!

You: So true!

If you are using “so true” as part of a longer sentence, you must make sure the subject and verb are clear so people can understand exactly what you mean. For example: 

  • It is so true that too much sugar is bad for you, but I can’t help eating candy.
  • It is so true that no one goes Christmas caroling anymore, but I do it anyway.

In these examples, the first four words act as an independent clause supported by the rest of the sentence. Using “so true” in complete sentences is less informal, but we still consider “so” informal. You might use this when speaking to your parents or a family friend but not at work.

When Not To Use “So True”

You do not use “so true” in formal or professional scenarios. You should not use informal language during meetings or discussions about work with colleagues or your boss. Similarly, you should not use this phrase in a job interview. 

Remember that using “So true,” especially on its own, can sound unthoughtful and disrespectful. It is important to ensure that your boss, clients, and colleagues feel respected and valued. It is also advisable to show your value at work by using complete sentences, formal language, and thoughtful solutions.

The following example is not ideal:

  • Boss/Colleague: Our client is struggling to get their name recognized in the market. 
  • You: So true. 

In this scenario, you show strong informal agreement but do not offer a solution. Instead, you want to say something like:

  • They are! We can try an Instagram chain campaign for charity to promote their brand.

Here, you offer a solution, proving your ability to be professional, and you carry the conversation forward. Your boss or colleague can see that you are capable of doing your job while recognizing the issue at hand.

What Can You Use Instead of “So True”?

There are many different ways to express strong agreement without “so true.”

When you are in a formal or professional setting, you can use a few phrases to express strong agreement: 

  • I completely agree!
  • There is no question you are right.
  • That is a critical point to consider.
  • Precisely.
  • Well said!

If you are in an informal situation and still don’t want to use “so true,” you could use one of these alternatives: 

  • Any way you slice it, you’re right.
  • That’s a fact.
  • No doubt you are right.
  • You’re not wrong.

Common Phrases

In English, there are many common phrases natural to native speakers but confusing to English language learners. Many of these common phrases are adjective and adverb phrases we use to provide more detail for clarity or specificity.

The following are a few common phrases we use adjectivally or adverbially to communicate:

  • A myriad of
  • Now and then
  • According to me
  • That’s it
  • A great deal
  • Since then

You can see that some of these phrases make no literal sense. That’s because phrases like “now and then” are actually idioms. Idioms are phrases we use to enrich our language, but they don’t make sense literally because their meaning comes from the context in which we use them.

To learn more about common phrases, check out Is It Correct to Say “As Always”?

Adjective Phrases

In English, we use adjective phrases to provide more information about nouns. They allow us to put more detail in our sentences, paint a picture for others, and develop clear communication (source).

An adjective phrase may have two or more words that define or give more information about a noun. One word must be an adjective, but the other can be another adjective or an adverb modifying the adjective. The following are adjective phrases:

  • so yellow
  • terribly stinky
  • overly zealous
  • newly renovated

Sometimes, there is more than one adjective phrase in a sentence, but we connect each phrase to a different noun.

This chart will show you what an adjective phrase is and how it functions in a sentence:

SentenceAdjective PhraseNoun
There is an extremely large tree in my backyard.  extremely largetree
She likes to wear very warm socks in the winter.very warm socks
Can you please hand me the largest knit gift bag?largest knitGift bag

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“So true” is considered an adjective phrase when we use it in a complete sentence because “true” defines the assumed pronoun “that.”

Final Thoughts

There is a lot to consider when using “so true” as either a phrase or a minor sentence. Regardless of how you use it grammatically, you should only use it in informal settings with people you know well to express agreement.