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Is It Correct to Say “A Flock of Geese”?

Learning to use the noun “flock” correctly offers lessons in both grammar and wildlife. Understanding that “flock” is another word for “group” is easy, but using the word “flock” to describe a group in wildlife gets trickier.

It is correct to say “a flock of geese,” but only when there are more than five geese in a group. There are other words that describe a group of geese, but they are all determined by the location and quantity of geese in that group.

This article will explain the specific rules to use “a flock of geese” in a sentence along with other collective nouns to describe groups of geese. It will also explain when to use which term and open up a deeper discussion on noun inflection and irregular nouns.

What Does “A Flock of Geese” Mean?

“Geese” is the plural word of “goose.” “A flock of geese” is a phrase that describes a group of geese in a flight formation or at any physical location on the ground (source).

The word “flock” is a count noun and a collective noun that describes a group of animals or birds of the same species.

The rules of when and how to use the word “flock” in reference to a group of geese are not the same as describing other groups such as ducks, sheep, or goats. Studying the movement habits of these animals is the best way to learn the distinct collective noun for each individual group. 

“Flock” is generic to birds, and a “flock of geese” is more specific than a “flock of ducks” as it requires five or more geese to officially form a “flock.” Sheep are recognized as a “flock” when the group is four or fewer (source).

Ducks and goats have many collective nouns to describe their group activities; “flock” is used as a general description of a group consisting of more than two of each species.

Discovering more about collective nouns and the actions of geese will help to learn the best way to describe a particular group of geese. It will also help to understand why the plural of the word “goose” does not follow the standard pluralization rule.

The basic rule of using “flock” to refer to a group of geese is to ensure the count is five or greater and that they appear organized.

How Do You Use “A Flock of Geese”?

“A flock of geese” is a phrase that consists of a collective noun and an irregular noun. The collective noun “flock” indicates a group of five or more geese, and the irregular noun is the plural of the singular noun “goose.” It is the most generic description we use to describe a group of geese.

It is common to use the word “flock” to represent a large group, such as “a flock of shoppers” rushing into the store on Black Friday, ”a flock of sheep” entering the gate, or “a flock of ducks” flying over my head.

Using “flock” in a general reference is the easiest way to describe a group of geese, especially when you are uncertain which other count noun and/or collective noun would better describe the group.

It is also helpful to understand what a collective noun is to provide the best description of any group of geese.

Collective nouns are presented in the singular form and designate a group of people, animals, or objects. A count noun is a noun with a quantity and is both singular and plural (source).

Here are examples of noun phrases that use collective nouns:

  • Pack of wolves
  • Pride of lions
  • Bouquet of flowers
  • Board of directors
  • Jury of peers
  • Gaggle of geese
  • Herd of sheep
  • Bunch of bananas

It is essential to use a collective noun to describe multiples of an irregular noun like “geese.” The collective noun you use, however, is determined by the geese’s number, movement, and position.

When Can You Use “A Flock of Geese”?

The phrase “a flock of geese” is a generic term describing a singular group of geese numbering five or more on land or air in a moving formation. You should use this term when you are uncertain of the specific nouns that describe particular formations and positions of the group.

You often find groups of geese in areas that also include people, such as parks and golf courses. The best use of the phrase is “a flock of geese” when you come across a calm, organized group swimming in a pond or moving across a field. Stating that you saw “a flock of geese flying” is vague yet ultimately correct.

You can also use “a flock of geese” in its plural form when you see a multitude of geese groups in the same range. This usually occurs during migration season. The correct way to refer to this situation is by making the count noun “flock” plural, such as “flocks of geese.”

  • Flocks of geese are seen flying south every autumn.
  • We have spotted five large flocks of geese flying overhead today.

Using “A Flock of Geese” in a Full Sentence

You can use “a flock of geese” as a unit at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence. As a noun phrase, it may stand wherever a noun can: subject, object, or subject complement.

Note the examples below:

  • A flock of geese flying overhead is the first sign of spring in the midwest (subject).
  • My dog loves to chase a flock of geese that swim in the pond at our farm (object).
  • A group of geese in formation is a flock of geese (subject complement).

Note that a subject complement is a noun, noun phrase, or adjective that stands after a linking verb and complements the subject.

So, the noun phrase subject, “a group of geese in formation,” is equated (or complemented) by the noun phrase subject complement, “a flock of geese,” in the last example above.

When Not to Use “A Flock of Geese”?

It is incorrect to use the term “a flock of geese” when describing a few geese that are not moving in a formation. There are many different groupings of geese, and a further study of geese will help to choose the correct descriptive phrase.

Image by Eric BVD via Pexels

A familiar term that fits unorganized groupings is “gaggle.” There are also several other noun phrases that more accurately describe formations and quantities of geese. It is easier to use the correct terms once you learn about the traveling patterns of geese.

Here are some examples (source):

GAGGLEA group of geese on the ground
SKEINA group of geese in flight
PLUMPA group of geese flying close together

What Can You Use Instead of “A Flock of Geese”?

Common collective nouns other than “flock” include “gaggle,” “plump,” and “skein.” Learning to use the proper descriptive noun for a group of geese starts with three questions:

  1. Is the group in an organized formation?
  2. Is the group larger than five geese?
  3. Is the group in motion on land or in the air?

Your answers to these three questions will enable you to decide the correct phrase to describe a group of geese. Here are some examples:

A bunch of geese wandering on the groundGAGGLEA gaggle of geese bothered the golfers at hole nine on the golf course.
Ten geese flying in a VSKEINHunters search for a skein of geese early in the morning.
A well-formed group of more than five geese swimmingFLOCKA flock of geese always shows up when people throw bread in the park.
Several geese flying in a tight formationPLUMPA plump of geese is determined to get home for the winter.

Is it “A Flock of Geese” or “A Gaggle of Geese”?

The term “flock of geese” is a generic description. A “gaggle of geese” is the most common term referring to a group of geese on land that is not in a formation; instead, the group appears to be meandering and sometimes menacing.

The word “gaggle” defines an unorganized, noisy group lacking formation (source). You often find “gaggles of geese” swimming in ponds and lakes. It is also common to run across an unruly “gaggle of geese” walking around a park or a golf course.

The easiest way to determine whether “a flock of geese” or “a gaggle of geese” is correct in the moment is to decide whether the group is moving in a purposeful formation. The “flock” is calculating, and the “gaggle” is meandering.

What Is a Group of Geese Called While Flying?

A group of geese flying provides the widest variety of compound nouns and requires more excellent knowledge of geese and their migratory habits. The general term referring to a group of geese flying is a “skein of geese” or a “team of geese” (source).

A skein of geese is also called a “wedge.” The “wedge” resembles a “V” formation, and this is the most common. The geese choose this formation to be the most efficient in their long-distance flights.

Other phrases resembling a familiar image of a group of geese flying in the “V formation” are “a chevron of geese” and “a plump.”

  • Hunters wait patiently for a wedge of geese to fly overhead.
  • Artists are fond of painting a chevron of geese into a landscape.
  • A plump of geese is flying south for the winter.

Notice that we use each term in place of “flock” the same way grammatically, but the meaning differs by definition and context.

Noun Inflection with Irregular Nouns

Noun inflection refers to words that have added information to the base to produce an accurate definition. Changing the noun to convey the meaning of a sentence clearly will consider the case, gender, number, tense, person, mood, or voice (source). Irregular nouns are words pluralized without adhering to standard grammar rules.

The word “geese” is an example of an irregular noun. In general, irregular nouns do not follow the basic rules of making a singular noun plural by adding an “s” or “es.” “Geese” is the accurate definition of more than one goose rather than “gooses.”

The reasoning behind this irregularity is found in studying the history of the English language. Etymology studies word origins and how their meanings have changed throughout history. The irregular nouns, such as “geese,” have come into English from a foreign language or follow older English rules (source). 

Many irregular nouns do not follow grammar rules and have no consistent pattern to follow with other irregular nouns. They simply are what they are. It is necessary to memorize irregular nouns to use them correctly in a sentence.

Here are examples of pluralized nouns, both regular and irregular:

SingularRegular PluralIrregular Plural

Noun Inflection

Noun inflections are connected with count nouns and are easier to understand than irregular nouns. “Flock” is a standard example of a count noun because it expresses a quantity. In fact, you can recognize a count noun when it represents a quantity, and you can pluralize it.

Count nouns are people, places, and things you can count. You can make such nouns singular or plural (source). Most nouns are count nouns. Here are a few examples:

  • There are a dozen roses in the vase.
  • I need a new pair of jeans.
  • I saw three giraffes at the zoo.

Uncountable or non-count nouns have rules similar to irregular nouns; they simply are not consistent. In general, they are nouns made up of things you cannot count easily or at all, like liquids, gasses, and many tiny things that make up a group. Other uncountable nouns include non-physical things, such as emotions.

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To learn more about irregular nouns, you can check out our other topics on the subject. We recommend these two articles: “Is It Correct to Say Deers”? or “Is It Correct to Say Sheeps?

Final Thoughts

The next time you see a group of geese in a park or flight, consider whether you should call them “a flock of geese.” You now know that the group’s formation, location, and number determine whether you should refer to them as a flock, gaggle, skein, or plump of geese.