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Dr. Patrick Capriola

Dr. Patrick Capriola is the founder of He is an expert in parenting, social-emotional development, academic growth, dropout prevention, educator professional development, and navigating the school system. He earned his Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Florida in 2014.

His professional experience includes serving as a classroom teacher, a student behavior specialist, a school administrator, and a coordinator of educator training at UF - providing professional development to school administrators and teachers, helping them learn to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of students.

He is focused on growing into a leading source for high-quality research-based content to help parents work through the challenges of raising a family and progressing through the school system.

While divorce rates in America are steadily decreasing, those who do get divorced are still left to pick up the pieces and continue with their lives as best as they can. Over time, couples do their best to survive on their own, children learn how to share time with their parents separately, and parents learn …

Read More about Becoming the Best Non-Custodial Parent You Can Be

Repetition is the foundation of accomplishment and allows you to apply what you have learned to achieve your goals.  That’s why recitation classes are so important. A recitation class is a small class that complements a large lecture by focusing on the critical points from the lesson in a smaller setting. Students are guided by …

Read More about Recitation Class: Know its Benefits and Challenges to Get the Most Out of it

Today’s world is busier and more structured for kids than ever before. As a result, it is more challenging to establish the norms that are likely to develop a strong family bond. Parents can change this dynamic by creating family-oriented experiences for their kids early and often. Family-oriented means committing to your family first, appreciating …

Read More about The Meaning of Family-Oriented: Creating Strong Family Culture

Forty years ago, a person in America in his or her early 20s typically was married, starting a family, and perhaps had a mortgage. In European countries such as Germany, young people were more footloose and unencumbered in their 20s. What does coming of age mean? Coming of age means reaching full adulthood. It includes …

Read More about Coming of Age: Finding Meaning While Facing the Transition to Adulthood

Some kids are naturally good at school.  They bring home excellent report cards. Teachers praise them, and they seem destined for advanced classes and a prestigious university after graduation.  We may call them book smart. But sometimes those same kids don’t fare well in real-world situations. They can be awkward in social settings and don’t …

Read More about Teaching Street Smarts to Kids Kept off the Streets

While the time of kings and queens has passed for most countries, the phrase from William Shakespeare’s King Henry IV is still applicable today in just about every modern leadership situation: “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” While no one may be wearing a crown anymore, the weight of responsibilities is substantial for …

Read More about Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown: Impact of Parental Influence