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Is It Correct to Say “I’m Good”?

“I’m good” can be quite a controversial saying. While most of us consider it acceptable, others may insist on “I’m well” or “I’m fine” instead.

Saying “I’m good” in response to someone asking how you are doing is correct in casual settings but not for formal English. “I’m good” uses the informal meaning of the adjective “good” as satisfied or content, not the opposite of evil. As an adjective, it can modify the subject I through the linking verb “am” in the contraction “I’m.”

This means that while “I’m good” isn’t always an optimal response, it’s still correct in the right context. To understand more about the meaning of “I’m good” and how to use it, keep reading.

What Does “I’m Good” Mean?

“I’m good” is a response that comes naturally when another person asks how you are. “I’m good” can work as a description of your physical state or as a polite way to say “no thank you.”

So, for example, you can use this phrase when someone asks how you’re doing or to tell a salesperson you’re not interested in whatever they’re selling.

When you say “I’m good,” you’re saying you’re content, and this can be in the sense that:

  1. You don’t need anything or aren’t interested.
  2. There’s nothing wrong (you are physically healthy, happy, etc.).

However, keep in mind that with standard responses, often people use them without thinking or meaning. For example, you might say “I’m good” just to be polite or to avoid talking about something that’s bothering you.

Also, keep in mind that “I’m good” as a description of how you’re feeling/doing is an informal American saying (source). However, with globalization, you may hear it in other parts of the world as well.

How Do You Use “I’m Good”?

You can use “I’m good” to respond to someone asking how you are or if you need anything. In rare cases, you may even use it to refer to your morals, but that’s very unlikely.

Take, for example, the questions below:

  • How are you?
  • How have you been?
  • How are you feeling?
  • Are you still sore?

These questions all ask about how you are (physically, emotionally, etc.). You can always respond with “I’m good” to state that you are doing well.

You can also use the phrase as a response when others are either offering or telling you something, as with the questions below:

  • Can I interest you in the latest Chanel scent?
  • Are you sure we can’t get you anything?
  • You should play the game “Elden Ring.” It’s so fun!

“I’m good” is a somewhat polite response that tells whomever you’re speaking to that you aren’t interested in what they are offering or asking you. In other words, you’re good without it.

Now, let’s look at a much rarer use of the phrase, “I’m good.” In this case, it means “I am good” in the sense that “good” functions as an adjective that indicates someone’s morals and virtues. 

However, people rarely use this, given it’s generally not in good taste to brag about your moral values. Still, if someone does, they’re more likely to say something like “I am a good person” rather than “I’m good.” 

Here’s an example:

  • “He is being bad today,” she teased. “No, I’m good!” Tommy responded defensively.

When Can You Use “I’m Good”?

“I’m good” is an informal response. So, in most conversations, it’s acceptable as long as you’re using it as a response describing how you’re doing or as a way to tell someone you don’t want or aren’t interested in something.

However, try not to use it in a formal environment, academic setting, or piece of writing. For instance, you can’t tell your teacher “you’re good” so that you don’t have to explain or answer a question.

Using “I’m Good” in a Full Sentence

“I’m good” functions as a full sentence with a subject and a predicate. However, at times, it shouldn’t stand alone, and adding more context is preferable. For example, we might add something before, in the middle, or after the phrase.

Remember that in English, a complete sentence always contains:

  1. A subject.
  2. A predicate (an action or state of being)
  3. A complete idea.

In “I’m good,” “I” is the subject, and “am” is one part of the predicate, while “good” is the other. And as we’ve established, the words convey a complete idea through their meaning, so “I’m good” does classify as a complete sentence.

However, sometimes you may add a little more context. For example, if someone offers you something, you may say “Thank you, but I’m good” to be more polite. Or, if you want to be firm, you may say, “No, I’m good” or “Trust me, I’m good.”

On the other hand, you may desire to stress just how “good” you are. You can do this by changing the word “good” to one of its stronger forms — fantastic, spectacular, excellent, etc. — or adding something before “good.”

  • How are you? I’m very good.
  • Would you like another serving? No thanks, I’m totally good.
  • How are you feeling? I’m so good.

You can also follow “I’m good” with something else, such as “I’m good. How about you?” or “I’m good. What about you?” or, finally, a more straightforward “I’m good; thanks.”

Image by Volkan Olmez via Unsplash

In What Context Can You Use “I’m Good”?

I’m good is an informal response that you typically use in two scenarios, including when you’re talking about your physical/mental well-being and when telling someone you don’t want (or want to) hear about something they’re offering you.

In general, “I’m good” is something you use conversationally as a response. It’s unlikely you’ll find a place for it in writing that isn’t dialogue-based.  And, remember that you don’t want to use this phrase in formal settings or contexts. 

Is It Rude to Say “I’m Good”?

It is generally not rude to say, “I’m good.” There is nothing offensive in what you’re saying. However, tread with caution because the phrase is often basic or standard and without genuine meaning or intention.

For example, think of a conversation like this:

Sam: Hi.

Betty: Hello.

Sam: How are you?

Betty: I’m good. How are you?

Sam: I’m good.

If two speakers rely on standard phrases such as “I’m good,” they’ll often cause conversations to seem meaningless or disingenuous. Common phrases don’t give you much to talk about.

This even happens when someone’s offering you something. For example, if someone offers information about a product or something important to them, and you respond with “I’m good,” they’ll assume you don’t care about the information.

When Not to Use “I’m Good”

While you may feel comfortable saying “I’m good” to a pushy salesman, you may still wish to avoid it, especially in formal contexts. If someone of a higher position than you, such as a boss or teacher, is asking you a question, it is often better to be more specific or intentional with your word choice. 

Take a look at the sentences below:

Q: Would you like another piece of cake?

A: I’m good.

Q: Can you read the first chapter of my novel? I want to start sending it to publishers.

A: I’m good.

The first example sounds harmless enough, and you can add a “thank you” to make it more polite. You can also say “thank you, but I’m good” or something similar.

The second example above sounds quite crass and uncaring. So in a scenario like this, it is better to respond with a good reason or with more information, rather than a simple “I’m good.”

What Can You Use Instead of “I’m Good”?

There are other phrases and responses you can use instead of “I’m good,” such as “I’m alright,” “I’m great,” or “I’m not interested.” If you know what context you’re using “I’m good” in, you’ll know which substitute you can use.

Say you’re using “I’m good” to say you’re content. Then, a decent neutral substitute would be “I’m fine” or “I’m alright.” 

However, if you’d like to be more positive with your response, you can use “I’m great” or any other synonyms for good, including “well,” “terrific,” “awesome,” “amazing,” etc.

Example sentences:

Q: How are you doing? 

A: I’m great!

Q: How’s the family?

A: They’re alright.

Q: How did you do in the exam? 

A: I did pretty well!

If you’re using “I’m good” as a response to someone offering something, you can instead say “I’m not interested,” “No, thank you,” or “That isn’t my taste.”

Good vs. Well

Again, “good” and “well” are quite synonymous in the right context. However, “well” is both an adverb and adjective, while “good” is only an adjective. 

Typically, “good” describes something or someone pleasant, and we most often associate it with taste, smell, or sound. In contrast, when we use “well” as an adjective, we would describe someone’s health.

Example sentences:

  • This food smells so good!
  • I can’t believe how good this flower arrangement looks.
  • You look well. How do you stay so healthy?

So, both “I’m good” and “I’m well” have a positive connotation. We just associate “good” informally with a more general contentedness, while we associate “well” with physical health and well-being.

Image by Rene Porter via Unsplash

Distinguishing Parts of Speech

In English, when we break down language, we rely on parts of speech. Parts of speech are how we categorize words based on their function. Chances are, you’re familiar with most parts of speech, even if you don’t know them by name.

For example, grammarians and lexicographers refer to the words that refer to persons, places, or things as nouns. On the other hand, the words that refer to actions are verbs, and we have adverbs and adjectives as descriptive words.

Adjectives vs. Adverbs

Adjectives are the words we use to describe nouns. In contrast, adverbs describe verbs and, at times, adjectives and other adverbs (source).

Typically, adjectives are easy to point out. They tell you more about the noun, such as what size it is, what color it is, what characteristics it has, or it answers how many. We often attach adjectives directly to the noun; however, you can sometimes separate them.

  • She came out wearing a blue dress.
  • The dress looked blue.

Adjectives often come after a form of the verb “to be,” which has the forms “is,” “am,” “are,” “was,” “were,” “being,” and “been.”

In general, to see if a word is an adjective, look at what word it’s describing and if it follows a form of the verb “to be.” If a word describes a person, place, or thing and follows a form of “to be,” it’s an adjective.

Adverbs are also often easy to recognize. Adverbs typically come after the verbs they describe and often have the -ly suffix at the end.

  • It was a quick race. (Adjective)
  • She ran the race quickly. (Adverb)

 Adverbs usually answer “how?” and occasionally, “when?”

  • The boy slept peacefully.
  • Yesterday’s weather was extremely cold.

The second example is unique, as the adverb “extremely” describes the adjective “cold.” “Cold,” therefore, describes the noun “weather.”

Based on the rules above, you can see how “good” in “I’m good” is an adjective. This is because “good” describes the noun/subject “I.” And, the sentence has a form of “to be” through the word “am” (source).

For more on the difference between “well’ and “good,” read “Doing Well or Doing Good: Can Both Be Correct?

Formal vs. Informal English

We often classify language as formal or informal. You typically use formal writing in your academic work, and it has far more rules than the informal language you might use in your day-to-day conversations.

When you’re writing informally, you typically don’t use slang and avoid contractions and personal pronouns such as “I” or “We.” These pronouns make your writing come across as personal and subjective.

On the other hand, informal English is what you use in casual conversations. As long as your listeners understand what you’re saying, things like format, objectivity, and grammatical correctness aren’t quite as important.

If you’d like to know more about contractions and formal language, check out the article “I’m or I am: Similarities and Differences in Usage.”

Final Thoughts

“I’m good” is a common phrase or sentence in informal English. And contrary to what you might expect, it is grammatically correct in conversational English. 

You’ll usually use “I’m good” as a response when someone asks you how you are or offers you something you’re not interested in. However, sometimes you may wish to avoid it for formality’s sake.