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Is It Correct to Say “As Per Your Request”?

Those in the business world are more likely to see this awkward construction than those in less formal situations. Upon first glance, “as per your request” seems ungrammatical. And honestly, after another long second look, it still doesn’t make much sense.

“As per your request” is a dated idiomatic phrase meaning “as you requested.” “As requested” is the more relevant term in use today. The term “as per your request” is still somewhat relevant in formal legal and business correspondence by letter or email, never in informal or casual communication.

Though this term is technically out of style, why is it still in occasional use? And what are other ways we can communicate “as per your request”?

What Does “As Per Your Request” Mean?

In its time, “as per your request” was a formal way to say “as you requested” for decades. Its primary use was in legal writing or in business as a written correspondence formality to denote that whatever was “enclosed” or “followed” was requested by the recipient at an earlier date.

For example, a person may send a letter along with requested documents: “Here is the deed and the bill of sale as per your request.” Nowadays, it is less stuffy to write: “Here is a copy of my driver’s license as requested.”

“As per” is a curious construction meaning “in accordance with” that many often think is ungrammatical. Would it not be better to drop “as” and say “per your request”? Both constructions are actually correct, so it simply comes down to personal choice (source). 

Note, however, that “as per” carries with it a sense of stuffiness, which makes it excellent for humor.

Moreover, since “as per your request” is an older phrase, you may hear or read it in satirical writing because it comes across as an attempt to sound more “professional” without being current with the times: “Your majesty, the dogs have been groomed as per your request.”

Despite being out of its heyday, “as per your request” still hangs around in some legal writing and business letters. Whether the person wrote it due to nostalgia or non-native English speaker habits, you may respond just as you would to “as [you] requested.”

How Do You Use “As Per Your Request”?

Many once considered “as per your request” standard within a formal written context to communicate that something previously requested had been included. Currently, “as per your request” is a dated term that comes across as overly legalistic, so “as you requested” is more appropriate today.

“As per your request” and its more current forms all point to a prior request for something that is included with this letter or email. The original phrase has a long-standing history in formal legal and business writing. As such, you may still spot it here and there today. So, let’s take a look at the nuances of “as per your request.”


As we noted above, the expression “as per your request” was once standard legal lingo. Previously, the stereotypical persona of a professional was one of a smartly dressed person who knew more than everyone else in his field. This person was disciplined, rigid, and distant in order to run his business efficiently and effectively.

Obviously, one would not wish to appear rude or informal to such a professional. Hence, overly polite and formal phrases like “to whom it may concern” and “as per your request” reflected the respectful attitude of a writer thankful for the time spent reading his correspondence.

One would reserve such phrases primarily for written communication, though you can still find them in use today, especially where that distanced-professional stereotype is still alive.


Due to its passing relevance, “as per” and “as per your request” both appear in mock-business-English or goofiness. In such instances, a person either speaks or writes in an overly formal, flowery way to entertain.

For example, a father could tell his daughter and her friends at a tea party: “Madam, as per your most thoughtful request, the biscuits are served.” Or a comedian may use the term to tell how he quit a job he was about to be fired from: “As per your imminent request, I quit.”

When Can You Use “As Per Your Request”?

Ideally, you will not use “as per your request” these days. Instead, you should opt for its more current, synonymous forms: “as [you] requested” or “see the attached ____.” At any rate, “as per your request” is formal and most often pertinent to legal writing or very formal business correspondence.

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Should you find yourself communicating with a particularly formal professional who does not seem to appreciate the newer, semi-formal phrases, “as per your request” ought to only appear in written form. Never say “as per your request” because it would come across as mocking.

Someone would write “as per your request” and all its more current forms in response to a request for more information, documentation, or some other fulfillment that someone can attach or enclose with the written message.

In What Context Can You Use “As Per Your Request”?

Legal writing continues to be extremely formal. In cases where one is sending requested information to a judge, court, jury, or other legal body, it is entirely appropriate to use otherwise stuffy and overly polite phrases such as “to whom it may concern” and “as per your request” in writing. 

However, you should still avoid speaking such phrases in these legal contexts as it would, again, come across as mocking.

In some formal business communication, “as per your request” may still reflect professionalism. In such instances, “as per your request” reflects a distanced and all-business attitude. It is important that you do your homework to understand how rigid you should be in business correspondence.

If you are unsure of how formal the written business letter or email should be, you may default to a more updated equivalent such as “as [you] requested.”

When Not to Use “As Per Your Request”

Never use “as per your request” within formal spoken contexts. Doing so implies that you are either making fun of the formality of the situation or have no idea of how to handle yourself in formal business or legal contexts. Also, avoid the phrase in informal English, spoken or written.

As the stereotype of a cold and rigid professional has waned thanks to social media and the internet, others have promoted a wide range of perspectives in the business world. 

You can still find old-school professionals to whom more formal phrases are certainly appropriate; however, you can also see professionals with a lot of personality who do not appreciate formalities.

To use older formal phrases like “as per your request” with more laid-back professionals may come across like you are trying to impress them with your professionalism. For example, it would not be wise to come across as “all-business” when you are applying for a position in HR or social media marketing.

The main takeaway here is that many no longer consider maintaining a distanced, rigid persona professional in American business. 

More often than not, it is more appropriate nowadays to take a friendly yet polite tone in written business correspondence; that is, enough to leave a favorable, approachable impression, but not enough to sound blog-like.

What Can You Use Instead of “As Per Your Request”?

The more up-to-date forms of communicating “as per your request” range from formal to informal.

FormalMy resume is attached as you requested.
The requested resume is attached.
Your requested invoices are attached.
Semi-formalThe invoices that you requested are attached.
InformalI’ve attached/included the invoices you asked for.

Using “As Per Your Request” in a Full Sentence

“As per your request” is an older idiom once employed regularly in formal business and legal writing. Currently, most reserve “as per your request” for only the most formal written forms in these contexts. You can place it at the beginning or the end of a sentence.

This idiomatic expression indicates the respect the writer has for the recipient. It shows that the individual honored the request and points to the contents of the email, letter, or package.

You may place it at the beginning of the sentence: “As per your request, my resume is attached.” Alternatively, you could place it at the end of the sentence: “I attached my resume as per your request.” Either location is equally important in emphasis because this is an idiomatic phrase.

Avoid using the passive voice in the context of your written message. “As per your request”  is one of those stuffy, formal idioms that tends to make the writer shift into the passive voice. In contrast to popular belief, the passive voice does not sound more professional.

Preposition Types

A preposition is a little word that denotes the time, direction, or how a subject or object took action. Prepositions are notoriously difficult to learn because they tend to be fluid. Sometimes, “into” and “in” mean the same thing, but in other instances, there is a difference.

Image by Bruce Mars via Unsplash

There are eight types of prepositions in English. You will notice in the chart below that some prepositions wear more than one hat.

Time: at, before, during, until, after, on, and in➤In 2022, I’m going to read 24 books.
➤I’m going to read 24 books before the end of 2022.
➤I’m going to finish reading 24 books on December 31st.
Place: on, at, in, under, over, outside, and between➤The dog is under the table.
➤The dog jumped over the fence.
➤The dog is at the groomers.
Direction: to, toward, forward, through, into, down, up, around, and past➤Jason drove through the tunnel.
➤Jason drove into the tunnel.
➤Jason drove past the tunnel.
Manner: by, with, like, on, and in➤He’s playing like Michael Jordan.
➤He’s playing with Michael Jordan.
➤He’s playing by Michael Jordan’s playbook.
Agent: with and by➤The party was hosted by Janette.
➤Janette threw a party with great skill.
Measure: of and by➤Todd bought six boxes of cereal.
➤Todd drinks sweet tea by the quart.
Source: by and from➤The sweater was knitted by his aunt.
➤The sweater was from his aunt.
Possession: of and with➤That’s a mess of her design.
➤The mess with her name on it is in the way.

As Per

So, what kind of preposition is “per”? “Per” means “for each” (source). Grammarians consider it a preposition of measure. You’ll probably see it most when looking at the price of items or in distribution: “$15 per dress” or “one piece of cake per child.” However, “as per your request” does not make sense with that definition.

Again, “as per” is a unit that means “in accordance with.” So, “as per your request” means “in accordance with your request,” which makes much more sense than “for each your request.”

The preposition we pair with “request” can sometimes have an insignificant impact on meaning. “By request,” “on request,” and “upon request” all mean that someone gave or completed something in response to a request (source). 

However, “per your request” indicates that the request has already happened and the following or attached is the fulfillment of that request.

Phrases and Idioms

Every language has odd phrases that do not make immediate sense for the context in which someone employs them. Grammarians call these idioms or idiomatic expressions. Idioms are key for communicating more in fewer words, giving color to your words, and sounding more fluent in the language.

Business English has its own set of idioms, and it would be wise to learn these if you are in a business context. We’ve already established that “as per your request” is a somewhat outdated yet formal phrase for legal and business contexts. Let’s review some other business English idioms:

  • Not going to fly → the concept will not work
  • Back to the drawing board → to wipe all progress away and start fresh
  • To learn the ropes → to learn the skills and responsibilities of a specific position
  • Ballpark number → an estimate
  • To bring to the table → to offer one’s skills or assets to a deal or project
  • From the ground up → to build a concept or business from the very beginning
  • In full swing → the process or operations are in full operation

It is important to remember that idioms do not always follow grammatical logic. This article was written for 

Check out our article “With That Being Said”: Meaning and Use of This Common Phrase to read about another logic-defying idiomatic expression.

Final Thoughts

“As per your request” — dated, distanced, and stuffy that it is — still hangs around in some formal legal and business writing. Before using it, however, do your homework on the recipient to know whether they would appreciate such formalities over more current and semi-formal forms such as “as [you] requested” or “that you requested.”